白い地図と黒い山/White Maps, Black Peaks
個展《白い地図と黒い山 / White Maps, Black Peaks》
会場:Clear Gallery Tokyo(東京、六本木)
今回は、「剱岳」での登山の経験から制作された新作シリーズをClear Gallery Tokyoにて発表いたします。「剱岳」は北アルプスの北部に位置する立山連峰で、前人未踏の決して登ってはいけない山としておそれられていましたが、空白地帯だった剱岳一帯の地図を埋めるために、明治40年に陸地測量隊が現地のガイドとともに苦難の末に登頂に成功し、頂に覘標を建て日本地図完成に多大な貢献をしました。本展「白い地図と黒い山」では、歴史の史実を背景に個人的な経験や記憶を重ね合わせ、現代の「地図」というものの捉え方や風景との関係、人の空間の把握、場所との関わりなどについて、絵画・ドローイングによる表現で試みます。白地図に幾重にも線が引かれ立ち上がる場のイメージ、斜面に覆われた残雪の隙間から岩壁やハイマツが顔を覗かせる五月の黒い山。地図が形成されていく過程と風景が変容していく時間に思いを重ねる場所から、何が眺望できるのでしょうか。
Kodai Kita’s fieldwork-centric practice has brought him to various locations including Fukushima, Kyoto, Akita, Chiba, and Mexico, where he has exhibited paintings and installations using chalk as his media of choice. His exhibition at CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO will feature a new series of works based on his time climbing Mt. Tsurugi (Tsurugi-Dake). As part of the Tateyama mountain range of Japan’s “Northern Alps,” Tsurugi-Dake had long been avoided as too unsafe to hike. In 1904, as part of a nationwide effort to create a complete map of Japan, land surveyors successfully made the difficult climb with the aid of local guides. In this exhibition, Kodai’s paintings and drawings layer personal memories and lived experiences with historical narratives to explore the relationships between landscapes and the modern map in an effort to understand how humans relate to the spaces around them. White maps with overlapping lines and images; dark mountaintops peeking through rock walls, pine trees, and slopes coated in residual snow — where the processes of mapping meet the landscape in a time of change, what emerges for us to see?
個展《白い地図と黒い山 / White Maps, Black Peaks》 CLEAR GALLRY TOKYO 展示風景(2019)
photo: Kohsuke Hayashi